New York City’s Ever Forthright’s debut was easily one of my favorite records of last year. This band brings out immense levels of creativity and skill as they do what they do best. And what they do best is write skull cracking metal! …with some pretty parts. Featuring the multi-talented Chris Baretto (ex-Periphery) as the front man, Ever Forthright boasts a unique twist on their music with saxophone segments. Saxy prog metal! He also sings and screams like a beast above the incredible instrumentation. If you haven’t heard this band yet, now’s your time. And if you have… now’s your time again. The band just launched a play through for a tweaked version of the nasty, tech heavy track “Spineless” aka “Spineless v2”. We also have some more goods from their debut. Blast that! And you like it, buy that right here!

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