Here’s a band people should really be keeping tabs on. Hailing from the The Midlands in United Kingdom, Construct is a highly talented five-piece metal unit building some very sharp metal music. Their approach to music could easily be recommended to fans who appreciate Architects, SikTh, Monuments, Fellsilent, The Arusha Accord, and others who fall along those lines. Construct’s talent is not to be doubted!

This showed when they released a full-length record about a year ago. It went by the name of “The Deity” and it’s completely safe to claim that it kicked ass. Between its 11 tracks, there was plenty of heaviness, creativity, and good times to be had. If you’re interested in experiencing this for yourself, you can stream and purchase the album over on Bandcamp and grab Merch through these links! You can also follow along with the band’s work on social networks like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. They even have an Official Website set up.

To support their valiant efforts, we’ve teamed with Construct to share an awesome music video of theirs directly with you! The track goes by the name of “Devil Inside” and it is an absolute beast of a number. You can enjoy it complete with some great visuals by pressing play just below. If you enjoy what Construct have em… constructed… go ahead and show the band some love and support through the links provided above and below! It’s much deserved.

Rumor has it they may have new music in the works so stay tuned for what may come!

Links: Facebook // Instagram // Twitter // Official Website // Bandcamp // Merch