
I'm writing this article as I prepare myself to go to yet another Thrash Metal Show.  The key difference about this particular night out is that I'm currently in the delightful city of Amsterdam.  My wife and I are enjoying a surprisingly enjoyable weekend break in Holland; escaping out usual London lives and responsibilities.  

One of the first things we researched when planning our trip was to locate at least one Metal show to attend while here. We have done this with every single trip we have taken together.  From as far afield as Sri Lanka to as close as France, we have managed to make connections and new friends through music, more specifically Metal, wherever in this world we have traveled.

What I'd love to hear about is your Metal related travel experiences; about the times you've had and the friends you've made that would have otherwise passed you by if it wasn't for your dedication and love for Metal.

Detail the fun that you've had in a comment below, on Facebook or send me a message via [email protected] and I'll choose the best and most interesting to be part of a wider piece on Mad Musical Commitment, that will appear next month.

Anyway Boys and Girls. Have a great Friday night and whatever you get up to, just remember to stay safe and rock out.  \m/

– John Whitmore